Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect?

A New Way is dedicated to building a safe and inclusive space for all voices to be heard in following the true character of Christ. Our weekly gatherings are built around four primary themes: Support, Explore, Reform, Connect. Each week, we will host a speaker or presentation related to a topic that addresses one of these themes, followed by a discussion. Most of the time, it will not be a typical church service — we are focused on learning how to be the church in our community, rather than focusing on going to church. Small group discussion is an important part of our approach, so each week will end with an open discussion of the week’s topic. On months that have a fifth week, we will Celebrate on the final Friday.

Where is the weekly gathering?

The weekly gatherings are at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall at Community United Methodist Church, 20 Center St, Naperville, IL 60540.  The Fellowship Hall is on the first floor.  The doors on the Center Street side of the building are open at 6:30 p.m.  

Who is leading these gatherings? Do you have a pastor?

Members of our volunteer leadership team lead the weekly gatherings.  At this time, we do not have a full-time pastor, but we have a rotation of guest speakers from throughout the community who have expertise on the topics we are discussing. 

Are children welcome?

Absolutely! A New Way is for everyone.  We have a dedicated children’s team that tries to address the same topics presented to the adults in an age-appropriate fashion.

How long do the gatherings last?

Our speakers/presenters typically take 45 minutes to an hour, followed by discussion until 8:30.  

What do I need to wear?

Come as you are! There is no dress code.

Is A New Way affiliated with the United Methodist Church?

No – Community UMC has been gracious enough to share their space with us on Friday nights, but A New Way is an independent, non-denominational organization that has no affiliation with the United Methodist Church or any other church.

Where can I park?

There should be plenty of parking at Community UMC, in the lot across Center Street to the northwest, and on the surrounding streets.  Please do not park in the lots reserved for Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church, the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, the First Congregational Church, or Wesley United Methodist Church.  

I’m still trying figure out what I believe.  Is A New Way the right place for me?

Yes! Whether you have been going to church since childhood or have never set foot in a church, you are welcome at A New Way.  We firmly believe that no one has all of the answers, but we are creating an environment that is a safe, welcoming place for spiritual exploration for everyone.  Our only requirements are that you be respectful, courteous, and open-minded.  You may not agree with everything you hear, and that’s okay! We welcome healthy debate and discussion, but kindness is key.  We will have clearly posted community guidelines that we expect everyone to adhere to, and we urge you to check those out on our website as well. 

Will there be communion?

At A New Way, communion is available to anyone who wants to participate.  For those that do, communion elements are available on the way into our gathering, and can be taken at your convenience.  We have a gluten-free option available as well. If you would like someone to take communion with you, our team is happy to do so!