What We Believe About the Bible

We embrace varying views on the Bible. While some believe the Bible to be God-breathed, many view it as a source for positive guidance, and others may see it as irrelevant. These different understandings of the Bible do not divide us. We believe all have a place at the table and a valid, important voice deserving to be heard. Our church is widely made up of Christ followers, yet all are welcome as long as everyone maintains a demeanor of safety and respect. Dating back to biblical times, systemic injustice, class inequity, and social and familial trauma have often resulted from the Bible being used as a weapon of hate, fear and guilt. We believe Jesus represents none of those things. We aspire to love as Christ loved and include as Christ included. We believe the best interpretive lens for scripture is through the person of Jesus Christ. His example of community and caring for the poor, the oppressed, and the marginalized is core to our teaching and practice.